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Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome

Feline hyperesthesia syndrome—which is also called rolling skin syndrome and twitchy cat disease—is a rather unique issue that we occasionally see in our feline friends. The condition is characterized by hypersensitivity of the skin, usually on the back. A local…

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What Dog Is Best for an Apartment?

We know what you’re thinking: “I love dogs, but I live in an apartment. How can I possibly have a dog?” Well, we’ve got good news for you! You can totally have a dog in your apartment, and it doesn’t…

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Poodle Day

Today, October 1st, is Poodle Day! These iconic dogs have very unique appearances, and make fun and lovable pets. A local vet discusses the Poodle below. Beloved Underdog Fido was initially met with some side-eye, but he became quite popular…

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Eye Problems In Cats

Our feline buddies have strikingly beautiful eyes. Cats’ eyes can be many different colors, from green to orange to blue. Fluffy never has brown eyes, but her peepers can be copper, dichroic, or odd-colored. Of course, kitties are susceptible to…

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